Hybrid Dentures
A hybrid denture is a mix between a conventional denture and a fixed bridge. A hybrid denture is a way to replace teeth when all or most are missing in the upper or lower jaw. It is an option to consider in place of a conventional denture. This prosthesis would also be the restoration of choice when a patient cannot tolerate having anything resting on their upper palate (roof of the mouth). It is more comfortable because it is much less bulky in the mouth and acts almost as the natural teeth did. The chewing power of this denture is much greater than a conventional denture. A conventional denture is supported by the soft tissue as opposed to a hybrid denture which is totally supported by implants. With the hybrid denture there is absolutely no pressure put in the soft tissue in the mouth. All the pressure is supported by the implants and the restoration making chewing much more comfortable. Also, since this is a fixed restoration in the mouth is does not move at all. The restoration is rock solid. The hybrid denture is not removable by the patient. If need be Dr. Shannon can remove the prosthesis. The hybrid denture consists of a metal frame that is screwed onto the implants with teeth and pink acrylic added to mimic the teeth and gums. This type of restoration usually requires 5 -6 implants for one jaw. If both top and bottom are done 10-12 implants would be required. Most patients that desire this type of restoration can have it. In some cases, there may not be enough bone present and other options would need to be explored. To make sure there is sufficient bone volume patients are sent to the oral surgeon for evaluation of the bone via a CT scan. As long as enough bone volume is available the case is planned by Dr. Shannon along with the oral surgeon of choice who would put the implants into the jaw at the desired locations. After approximately 4 months of healing the implants can then be used to construct the hybrid denture. During this healing time the patient usually wears their regular denture or in some cases a temporary hybrid can be fabricated at the time of surgery, so the patient never has to wear a conventional denture if desired. The only caveat with the hybrid denture would be in the upper jaw. If the patient requires a denture flange to support the upper lip than a hybrid denture may not be the option of choice. This will be explained below. For the most part if enough bone volume is present any patient can have a lower jaw hybrid denture.

The top front teeth support the lip. As we lose these teeth the lip sinks in as there are no teeth to support the lip any longer producing a sunken in lip.

If a denture flange is needed to support the lip a hybrid denture cannot be used as it cannot be properly cleaned.